The Creative Person Can Stay Organized!

I’ve been getting delightful messages from the creative group of people that I work with. They are sending me pictures and sharing their organizing successes with me during the Great Pause. I wanted to pass on some of the creative organization that’s been going on in the world of those with artistic brains.

One client writes, “I’m using this time! I organized my bookcase and my artist workspace!” 

Do you have a workspace like this one with all the various tools of the visual arts in your creative studio? My experience with my peeps is that creative play spaces when they are being used go through periods of order and disorder.

The first thing to do is get your studio back to a state in which you can use it without being distracted by all the clutter, which is another word for all your creative acquisitions. Artistic people do not need to have a perfectly uncluttered work area, but instead they need to find a balance between room to work and finding what they need.

Getting the Clutter Under Control

Since most creative types are visual learners, having your tools and materials in a place where you can see them is vital. Often putting them in a drawer makes them disappear! However, having them clutter up the work surface isn’t helpful either. 

Organizing Sustainability

Creative people have rapid fire ideas that often turn into unfinished projects. Sometimes these just hang out on the work surface while you move onto the next idea. Pretty soon a work surface can be covered with projects, materials and other related (and unrelated) things.

Get off the endless cycle of clutter – clear the space – make a mess by adopting a few simple habits that will keep you on the right track to stay organized.

This is an awesome time to start Spring Cleaning. The world is starting to wake up and being cleaner can only help prevent the spread of germs. So how about taking on an organizing project as part of your physical distancing behavior? To help with that, I'm offering an 8-week online organizing coaching program starting in April. For more details, email me.

Reclaim Your Craft/Sewing Space!


Spiritual Space Clearing

Because we are spiritual beings spending a short time in the physical world, the expression of our souls is reflected in our physical environments, both in our bodies and our immediate space.

Spiritual Space Clearing (SSC)™ is healing the connection among the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies so that our physical space becomes as comfortable and beautiful as our shining spirits.

 What does it feel like now?

Are you drowning in paper?
Does your junk drawer have a life of its own?
Are you afraid to open your closet because it might not shut again?
Is there room on your dining room table -- for dinner?
Is your email out of control?


What would it be like to be on time for most of your appointments?
would it feel to live in an organized space?
How would your life change if your world was simple and peaceful?

Joyful Organizing

Organizing can be both sustainable and fun. When we align with our inner divine spark, we get to see a physical representation of our soul, allowing us to live in harmony with ourSelf.

Find out more....


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