8 week program: Freedom School

If you find yourself clearing the clutter over and over again without lasting success, you may not have addressed the underlying issues causing the clutter. Join this 8-week online program to address the spiritual, mental, and emotional issues that are keeping you from clearing the clutter and being free.

There will be weekly assignments and training videos, as well as weekly accountability check ins on Fridays for support, accountability and information on getting organized.

On Monday there will be a lesson available at an online teaching portal that will include video training, a short reading and an assignment for the week. At the end of the week, we will have a video chat check in to provide support, accountability and information on getting organized.

For more information and to set up a discovery call to see if this program is right for you, please email Amara.

Dates: Ongoing

Location: Online

Cost: $637

Register: Click Here


Put the Fun Back in UFOs

I have 14 UFOs (unfinished objects) waiting for me. Ugh! I want to do the projects, and get them done, but it’s going to take sooooo long to finish 14 quilts!!! And, I have all this new fabric that I just bought in November… I want to use it so badly! But… UFOs…. But, new fabric… but UFOs….

Why are there SO many of them? Why is it SOOOOOO hard to get them done? How can I shift them out of my studio and into my ’done’ pile without sucking all of the fun out of quilting!?!!! And, you know, quilting all day, every day isn’t an option- sometimes I actually have to cook and clean… and maybe weed the garden… But, UFOssssss!!!!!

What do I do?

When we have too much to do and too many things to choose from, we need a framework for making decisions about what to do and in what order. I had such good feedback from the last program that Certified Professional Organizer Amara Willey offered to the community that I invited her back for Put the Fun into UFOs. Taking us from guilt to goodness, she will be offering her secrets for bringing order to chaos, making decisions and turning UFOs to Show and Tell GEMS!

MISSED THIS PROGRAM? No problem. Get the recording here

