Space Clearing Programs

If your house has a lot of clutter, it’s reflecting from your spirit. If you have to move things around in your car whenever you want to have a passenger or go grocery shopping, it’s a sign that your soul is not at ease. If your body is carrying extra weight or pain, then something is not quite right in your energy body or your aura.

Have you been trying to lose weight and clean up clutter for years? Do you feel guilty about the food you eat, about the mess you live in? Are you embarrassed to invite people over or offer a ride to a friend? When we aren’t comfortable in our environment, everything slows down and becomes sludge. Our bodies feel tired, experience pain, gain weight, become flabby. Our homes are weighed down with stuff, clutter, and dirt.

Call for a free, personalized assessment   (908-868-4311)

The Organizing Miracle 16 sessions - $7500

Designed for people with chronic health issues as well as physical clutter, this program clears up both energetic blockages and physical clutter because everyone has a right to perfect health.

If your house is cluttered and your body is carrying extra weight and/or pain, then something is not quite right in your energy body (your aura). This program will address your spiritual and physical bodies, as well as your physical environment. As you come into spiritual alignment, you will be amazed at how you experience healing change in your physical body and space.

 Spiritual Renewal Through Space Clearing 10 sessions - $2500

You will be able to manifest your perfect home through paring down, purifying your space, learning about fear and using tools like chi to circulate energies.

If your house has a lot of clutter, it’s a sign that your soul is not at ease. We will meet in person to assess your individual situation and address your energetic field, as well as to practice techniques for organizing, space and clutter clearing, and maintaining your physical environment.


DIY Organizing Experience $800

You will know so much more about why you are where you are and how to get where you want to be by the end of this session, that you can take the plan we create and run with it. Find out about your organizing style and how it affects the way you organize and receive a personalized strategy to de-clutter and organize your home or office.


Freedom School – Free yourself from the root causes of clutter in 8 weeks!  $587

If you find yourself clearing the clutter over and over again without lasting success, you may not have addressed the underlying issues causing the clutter. Join this 8-week online program to address the spiritual, mental, and emotional issues that are keeping you from clearing the clutter and being organized.

There will be weekly assignments and training videos, as well as weekly accountability check ins on Fridays for support, accountability and information on getting organized.

On Monday there will be a lesson available at an online teaching portal that will include video training, a short reading and an assignment for the week. At the end of the week, we will have a video chat check in.

Spiritual Space Clearing - $175

Because we are spiritual beings spending a short time in the physical world, the expression of our souls is reflected in our physical environments, both in our bodies and our immediate space.

Spiritual Space Clearing (SSC)™ is healing the connection among the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies so that our physical space becomes as comfortable and beautiful as our shining spirits.

This ceremony occurs within your home and clears energetic cobwebs that might be holding you back.

Space Clearing can help you…

-        Open to new possibilities

-        Promote healing, health, and well being

-        Clear away physical and emotional clutter

-        Clear away energetic residue of previous occupants

-        Sell or move from an old home or workplace, find and bless a new one.

-        Feel a sense of belonging and rootedness

-        Feel less emotional charge (i.e. “buttons pressed” less often)

-        Feel less attached to a particular outcome

-        Feel a sense of being in the right place at the right time

-        Create a sparkly and spacious atmosphere

-        Experience greater clarity and awareness

-        Feel more at ease and peaceful

To schedule a Discovery call, please click here


Healing Programs

Goal: To jumpstart your healing process when in the midst of a healing crisis

Healing Journey  3 sessions  - $550

If you are suffering from chronic dis-ease, this three-part spiritual healing journey helps boost your immune system and assist your body in miraculous healing. Each program is designed specifically for the uniqueness of your situation. It includes three 90-minute meetings and addresses issues with regards to food healing, energy meridians, and wellness mindset.

The Calling / Soul Clearing Ceremony  - $350

During times of trauma and illness, a piece of our soul can split off and go into hiding or get stuck in the memory of time (called dissociation in psychology). This ceremony returns the missing pieces (usually 3-5), allowing reunification and spiritual healing.

Signs of Soul Loss:

-        Chronic depression

-        Difficulty with being present in the body

-        Feeling numb or apathetic

-        Trouble resisting illness

-        Chronic illness as a child

-        Memory gaps

-        Addictions

-        Frantically trying to fill life with external activities or people

-        Difficulty getting your life back together after a broken relationship, loss of a job, death of a loved one, etc.


Power Animal Retrieval - $150

We are all born with an animal spirit guide or totem that stays with us throughout our lives. This is a ceremony of discovery and an opportunity to reconnect with your own special power animal to aid you in the work of self-healing and growth.

To schedule a Discovery call, please click here


Spiritual Programs

Goal: To experience Divine love and connection and to learn to act from a place of love, not fear.

Soul Transformation 16 Sessions - $2400

Do you long for more love, better health, greater success, and happiness? Through hands on activities, discussion and play, take the steps to create a life of focus and fulfillment. Learn to be a Master Manifester and to magically transform your life.

Part 1 - Love

Part 2 - Health

Part 3 - Wealth

Part 4 - Happiness


Soul Journey through the Chakras 8 Sessions - $1500

This is an opportunity to clear blockages in all the energy centers of your body, from the Soul Star above your head, which is your connection to Spirit, to your root chakra, which is the foundation of security in your life. The journey will clear, heal and teach you how to maintain your energy body, which is where health and healing happens.

Session 1 – Assessing the Body’s Dis-ease

Session 2-9 – Working with the 8 Chakras

Session 10 – Care & Maintenance of the Soul


Soul Healing 4 Sessions - $800

If you feel like you have lost a piece of yourself, this is an exploration of wholeness and healing. Reconnect to Source and to your inner knowing, as you develop your co-creative relationship with the Bigger Thing.

Session 1 – Energetic Blockage Evaluation and Soul Clearing Ceremony

Session 2 – Keeping the Conduit Clear

Session 3 – Developing our Divine Love Language

Session 4 – The Role of Personal Ritual in Daily Life


To schedule a Discovery call, please click here